Friday, July 5, 2013

Peachtree and Me

Let me start by saying I did not properly train for this year's 10K.

I felt the consequences of that decision a day later :-P oooooh the pain.
(2 days later all better)

So let's talk about the race.

En Route: Weather is looking very gross. Overcast, it's been raining for several days it is going to be a wet slippery run.

(Don't worry I'm not driving and taking pictures)

Mile 1: oh god what was I thinking" I learned very quickly this race was going to feel differently than last year. I never have that thought at mile 1. About 11mins.

Mile 2: "this still hurts, when are the endorphins going to kick in, thank God for down hill coasting" This year, in my super observant pain enduced focus I realized there are a lot of down hill treks. About 10mins.

Mile 3: "okay if I can just conquer this next hill I'll be okay" My husband is setting a great pace, I am struggling to keep up but I'm trying not to show it. About 10 mins.
(On the way up cardiac hill at Piedmont)

Mile 4: "Suck it cardiac hill! I crushed you!   Arrrrrgh! Yeah!" Okay I was feeling a lil cocky at mile marker 4, I think the endorphins kicked in here, it would be short lived.

(Top of my head and cardiac hill)

Mile 5: "Seriously! Can we slow down, maybe some walk run intervals. You're enjoying my pain aren't you?" At this point my fatigue is starting to show I am falling more than a few strides behind my husband, and I don't really care :-p I just want this to be over.

Mile 6: "Yes! Yes! Yes!" We hit the 10th street corner and I know it is a downhill stretch! My husband starts to create some more separation, I sprint up to take our post finish photo together. 

.2 for the finish: I can see the finish line! Woohoo. My husband has put quite a not of distance between us. Sensible me "hey let's finish this in one piece", competitive me "I can't believe he is trying to leave me, nuh uh, not today we will finish this together!". I hit an all out sprint! I might vomit. 

Whoohoo we finish together. I didn't vomit ;-) 

This is the 1st time in years I have felt this bad at the end if a race. Knees hurt, hip flexors are on fire, I am exhausted. We go meet up with friends and family.

(Me, Mom, and lil sis)

(Look the husband smiled for a picture!)

(Pic collage, one of my fave new apps)

I have been running the Peachtree with my friends and family for several years now, it has become a family tradition. Usually, this would be a benchmark race for me.  I would train consistently for 15 to 12 weeks to cut seconds off my time. This year my focus shifted from cardio to muscle hypertrophy. So high impact, hard surface, cardio training has been that extra thing that I should probably do in the back of my mind. 

I will not take this race for granted ever again. Under training hurts!

Official Finish Time: 01:02:47
2012 Time: 01:03:19

I don't know how we did better than last year. It was all my husband, cuz I was ready to walk that sucka at mile 5 ;-) Hanging up my running shoes til next year ... Wait, what, lil sis wants to run a half marathon, arrrrrgh ?!?! Love ya sis!

Hope you all had a happy healthy holiday weekend!

Health and Happiness,


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