Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week In Review: June 11 - 16th

Thursday was a big day.  For the past 8 weeks I have been participating in the Under Armour Women's #whatsbeautiful competition.  The goal I set was to complete a hands only rope ascent.

Here is video from Week 1:
Suuuuper impressive I know.  I spent the next 7 weeks increasing my back strength and building my confidence. 2 main modes of training Lat Pull Downs and Pull Ups.

Here is what I managed to complete last week:

I also moved up to the 35lb KB during crossfit WOD on thursday.  1st WOD that I actually thought I might puke. My abs are still sore from the rollouts.

Friday I got in my last long run before race day I'd say my new kicks are officially broken in.

Saturday, another crossfit WOD then hit the gym with my lil sis for some shoulder and abs.  I think she is getting the competition bug.

Today has been a much needed day of rest.

Get up and do it all again tomorrow :-)

Health and Happiness


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