Monday, June 25, 2012

Chivalry is Not Dead at My Gym

Today I went to use my beloved leg extension machine and she was burdened with over 300lbs of weight plates. Ugggh, now I’ll have to spend 5 extra minutes re-racking the weights. Then this guy steps up, says nothing, and grabs a plate and puts it away, I must have looked at him like he was crazy, because after that one plate he walked away.

It took me 2 minutes to realize that he was not trying to get a weight for his own exercise, or attempting to use the same machine, he was being courteous and helping me re-rack the weights. I felt like such a jerk. I spend a good amount of time in the gym, and never has a guy offered to help me re-rack the weights. I mean, I don’t need the help, but, if I did not load the machine, it doesn’t hurt to ask if someone needs help removing 8 weight plates.

Luckily the guy came by again and I was able to stop him and thank him. He told me he was on a break between sets and thought he would help me out, but then wasn’t sure if I wanted the help, some people don’t like that is what he told me. I thanked him and explained that I wasn’t use to anyone offering to help me with the plates and let him know that I really appreciated it.

So yes, I generally walk into the gym with a chip on my shoulder. I feel I have to command respect from the moment I step on to “that” side of the gym. Yes, I am strong and I can handle bars and plates on my own. But, I am still a women, and a little chivalry on a man’s part is still very much appreciated.

Stock Photo from Microsoft Office Word 2010
 Health and Happiness


Thursday, June 21, 2012

#whatsbeautiful Will Continue!

For the past 8 weeks Under Armour Women has been running a competition to redefine the female athlete #whatsbeautiful. The competition ends officially next week. But I just recieved an email saying the community will continue! the promotion was such a huge success they have decided to keep the site live and active!

If you are a lady who has a fitness goal they would like to complete please join the #whatsbeautiful community.  They inspire me everyday.  What started as a competition as morphed into something much more. It is a community of amazing women trying to redefine themselves and their bodies.  If you are looking for motivation, inspiration, or just reaching out for some support during your fitness journey #whatsbeautiful is just waiting for you!

How is joining the community impacted me?  I have connected with other bodybuilders and competitors; I met a future ninja warrior;  I learned to post videos and use my movie maker software; I have received so much support in attaining my goals; and did I mention I climbed a rope.

Join the community, post photos and videos of your progress, and connect and follow other women reaching for the same goals as you.

It has been an amazing journey thus far and I can't wait to see what they have in store for all of us next!

Follow #whatsbeautiful on twitter @UAWomen
Take the challenge and declare a goal at
Follow my journey at Larissa B. or on twitter @CertifiedFitGk

Health and Happiness

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week In Review: June 11 - 16th

Thursday was a big day.  For the past 8 weeks I have been participating in the Under Armour Women's #whatsbeautiful competition.  The goal I set was to complete a hands only rope ascent.

Here is video from Week 1:
Suuuuper impressive I know.  I spent the next 7 weeks increasing my back strength and building my confidence. 2 main modes of training Lat Pull Downs and Pull Ups.

Here is what I managed to complete last week:

I also moved up to the 35lb KB during crossfit WOD on thursday.  1st WOD that I actually thought I might puke. My abs are still sore from the rollouts.

Friday I got in my last long run before race day I'd say my new kicks are officially broken in.

Saturday, another crossfit WOD then hit the gym with my lil sis for some shoulder and abs.  I think she is getting the competition bug.

Today has been a much needed day of rest.

Get up and do it all again tomorrow :-)

Health and Happiness